Blog Tenants

When I started REbound I thought I had a good grasp on how inventing a disruptive new energy technology would work. 3 months in I started to realize how big of an idiot I really was. 6 months in I started to realize how big of an idiot nearly everyone is. It occurred to me that nobody I had ever met actual knew what they were doing, including me! 

So in this spirit, I started this blog in order to record and share things I was learning during the course of building my company and developing my technology. My hope is that one day we might all get better at turning new disruptive ideas into things that help the world. 

This blog has several central tenants which will evolve over time and help shape and frame my posts. In no particular order they currently are:
  1. I dont know what is right, I just know what we are doing now is wrong:
  2. Never in our history have we needed disruptive change more then we do today, but we are quite terrible at the process of bringing these ideas to fruition. I have no idea how to concretely improve that system, but I do know that doing nothing will guarantee we don't. 
  3. The accepted method we currently use to create disruptive change is broken:
  4. Equity funded startups fail outright more than 40% of the time. Technology driven startups in biotech and cleantech have underperformed at an even higher rate. 
  5. Nobody is as sure as they pretend to be:
  6. The way we develop technology is driven by personal iterations. If we were all more open about how little we actually understand, we would create better technology. 
I am sure this list will grow and change as this blog develops.

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