Monday, March 11, 2013

Perspiration and Cookies all in One Post

I can't vouch for everywhere in the world, but if you grew up in the US I guarantee that you have heard the following quote:

"Success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration" - Thomas Edison

Let me start by saying that this statement is completely factual as has been demonstrated to me on numerous occasions over the course of REbound's first year. However, it recently occurred to me that this quote also sums up how we erroneously think about new technology and startups in general. We tend to focus more on the capability of a team to perspire instead of inspire. In other words "can this team accomplish this work" instead of "is this a good idea in the first place". This can be dangerous because when you get down to actually developing a technology, bad ideas take just as much effort to develop as good ones. That is, until they fail.